Monday, November 8, 2010

Dog Gone..and almost us too!

Finally get to blog a bit about my other world and hobby, the dog world.
An epic journey it was to the Dachshund National Show 800 miles away..better known as the Federation Dachshund Clubs of Canada the last weekend of October.
It was a rainy and windy morning as Serena (another dachshund mom) and I set out in her new wienermobile..(camper trailer). We passed the time listening to some music and chatting about what might happen ahead at the shows. We were the circus troop with 8 dachshunds along for the ride. One of them was my Tori, he is a young dachshund only one point away from his Canadian Championship title.
On our way down and ten minutes out of North Bay Ontario we had a meeting with a transport truck. He rubbed us with his trailer and took off Serena's driver side extra mirror and bumped along the camper trailer taking out a side light, a window and smashing up the front edge. He was long gone, and while it happened so quickly we were unable to identify the truck. I called 911 and the police set up a meeting place for us as we were still mobile and also a road block.
We stopped at a truck stop and I purchased some duct tape and the girl at the front counter gave us some cardboard. That was used to secure the window and we were back in business. The police never did catch up with that transport truck. All I can say is we are so lucky it was only a minor incident any more force from a large truck like that could have sent us off the road and into the rocks. Serena decided that the whole ordeal made us feel a bit like "National Lampoon's Vacation" meets "Best in Show." It was great to find a bit of humour in that near tragic incident. I also found myself grasping at my knees with my white knuckles everytime a transport went by us from that ugly moment forward.

The next morning was a fairly easy drive to the Trillium Dog Show in Lindsey Ontario which happened to be hosting an extra three Specialties for hounds and dachshunds. I was pleased to see many old faces from my years as a dachshund exibitor. Great also to see Bernard the breeder of my dog Tori. The entries were great and the quality of the dogs was also very good. We had a nice area set up just for the dachshund clubs and it was a busy area with lots of interesting people and their dogs.
I always keep my eyes open at the vendors for cool and unique items. We were lucky to have a dachshund ways and means table as well. So I did a bit of shopping there. At the DCGO Specialty we were given a choice of swag The little pins and necklaces were so colourful and cool and made of polymer clay.

I love dachshund swag!
The next few days we managed to do some nice winning with our dogs. I won't go on about all the wins but we cleaned up and Tori my dog became a Canadian Champion. His sister and sire did very well too!!
CH. Vonbernhart's Conquistador

AM CAN BDA INT CH Vonberhart's Trailblazer JE (Am/Can) Sire and Get

It was a sensational weekend with the troops and we couldn't have asked for a better outcome after the long journey and the transport incident behind us.
I love traveling to the dog shows away from home. It really can be very exciting and challenging too. Can't wait until the next one. Tally Ho!!!!

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